Thursday, August 2, 2012

A few follow ups

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Two members of my class made the romeria (walk) to Cartago last night. They left at 7:30 p.m. and arrived at the Basilica at 1:00 a.m. It was a madhouse getting back as everyone fought for a place on a bus so they didn't have to walk the 16 miles back. They didn't get out of there until 4:00 a.m. and were a little bleary-eyed when they dragged into class this morning. They said it was interesting and worth the experience.

Apparently, the President of the country, Laura Chinchilla (yes, that's really her name, just like the animal) also made the hike and pictures of her making religious were all over the news today. The mama in our house, Mayra, is not a big fan of the president and was grumbling everytime it was on TV. She is normally a very gentle woman, but doesn't care for the president's politics.

President Chinchilla walking to Cartago.

Pauline, the French student in our house, is leaving tomorrow morning for a two week volunteer project at a beach on the Pacific Ocean. She will not return until the 19th; Kesa and I leave on the 18th, so we said our goodbyes tonight and took pictures:

(L) Pauline Kibler
(R) Kesa Ford

Kesa's last day of classes was today. She starts a 2 week volunteer stint tomorrow at a children's soup kitchen in the mornings and at an orphanage in the afternoon.She will stay local and stay at the house here. However, I will now be on my own at school as far as bus rides and lunch, but I've had 2 weeks to get the routine down and should be just fine.

As part of my tuition, I am entitled to one excursion, which I have decided to take tomorrow. I am leaving at 7:20 tomorrow morning by bus to see the Volcan Poas (Poas Volcano). I've been told it is about an hour and a half from here. I am excited to see it and hope the weather (clouds) will cooperate so I can actually see the steaming, bubbling crater. Along the way back, we will stop at a coffee plantation and a few small towns. I am supposed to be back by 6:00 p.m. tomorrow night. Hopefully, I will have some good pictures to share, and I'm sure the bus ride itself will be an experience to write about!

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